Macedonian Red Cross, as one of the biggest humanitarian organizations – promoter of humanity and health, carries out number of project activities regarding the preservation and improvement of public health. We are continuously working on several project that treats different health issues typical for our territory as well as projects which are part of the global health strategies in order to improve global health status of the population and to involve in global battles regarding various diseases.
From year to year, the field of our engagements is spread and constantly increases according the needs of general population. Besides our regular traditional activities, Macedonian Red Cross through implementation of the project activities directly affects of public health and wellbeing as well as different vulnerable group of people. In year 2010 MRC was implementing following projects:
– Clubs for promotion of optimal breastfeeding and complementary feeding in infants and young children

For a second year in a row, the project activities for promotion of optimal breastfeeding and complementary feeding in infants and young children are implemented on the territories of the municipalities of Ohrid and Debarca. In frames of the project, clubs are functioning, where peer educations (mother-to-mother) are organized, for purpose of exchanging experiences and provision of practical advises by pediatricians. They provided trainings on enabling proper growth and development for infants. In frames of the project, the brochures “Optimal breastfeeding” and “Supplementary feeding for small children”, were printed, (1000 copies in Macedonian language and 300 copies in Albanian language) and 400 copies of educational posters. The main target group of the project was 500 mothers from Ohrid and rural areas within the territory of the municipality. The project raised a lot of interest among mothers and it was regularly followed by the local media.
– Give me a hand

The project “Give me a hand” was financed by the German Red Cross, and it was implemented by the Red Cross Branch Resen. The main objective of the project was provision of education for 150 high-school students on first aid and peer education. Dissemination training on the importance of the Red Cross was also organized during the project activities. The project lasted for 9 months and it had good media coverage on local level.
– Harm reduction from drugs

The project for harm reduction from drugs is implemented in three Red Cross branches: RC Prilep, RC Veles and RC Kichevo. The project is targeted for harm reduction from drugs and most of all, harm reduction from HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C and other blood and sexually transmitted diseases, overdoses and other health and social consequences. In the course of 2010, the following results were accomplished in the three centres: 19.280 needles, 10.665 syringes and 7.300condoms were distributed. 3.489 basic medical services were conducted as well as counseling and education on HIV/ AIDS, Hepatitis and other blood and sexually transmitted diseases, counseling for free of charge testing for HIV/ AIDS, education for safe injection and safe sexual intercourse of the clients and their partners, advises for harmful effects from utilization of drugs and provision of information about types of treatments. 1.748 social services were provided as well as information and counseling from social workers;179 services and counseling from lawyers. Three training seminars and several workshops were organized, targeted for representatives from medical and social centres, police, local self-government and other institutions, and representatives of the media for purpose of ensuring their support in fighting stigma and discrimination towards this target group. With the support of the German Red Cross, creative workshops were implemented with basic aim, resocialization of the stabilized clients and establishment of working habits for easier adaptation in the living environment. Within these efforts, 31 workshops were organized in the Centre in Prilep and 39 workshops in the Centre in Veles. The products and jewelry made on these workshops were sold on specially organized selling stands on this occasion. The raised funds were allocated for orphan children and social case families.
– Improvement of the control of Tuberculosis in R. Macedonia
Development of strategic and operational plans for control of Tuberculosis on local level

The main objective of the project is development of local action plans for improvement of the control of Tuberculosis on local level. Macedonian Red Cross had the role of a facilitator in the creation of these operational strategic plans. The PCD (participatory community development) methodology is used in the process of implementation of the project. On a level of a Red Cross branch – there is a local coordinator, formed local team comprised of members of the local self-government, primary care doctors, representatives of the anti-tuberculosis dispensaries, centres for social work, educational institutions and representatives of the Red Cross branches.
– Reduction of health consequences on the population from the high temperatures

In the last several years, Macedonian Red Cross has been undertaking activities for reduction of consequences caused by climate change with emphasis on the protection of the health of the population from high temperatures. In cooperation with the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health, numerous activities were organized for purpose of raising public awareness on possible risks on the health of the people from high temperatures. Macedonian Red Cross in cooperation with the World Health Organization, Ministry of Health, The Directorate for Hydro-meteorology, Institute for Public Health, Centre for Crisis Management, Directorate for Protection and Rescue, Institute for Labor Medicine and others, were part of the system for early detection of heat waves, so called Alert System. On basis of this, Macedonian Red Cross in frames of its possibilities took part in the timely preparation and implementation of activities in compliance with the adopted Plan of Action. Information fliers were developed and distributed to the appropriate institutions and target groups and bottles with drinking water were distributed to citizens. Also the Red Cross volunteers organized measuring of blood pressure and when required, transport of elderly people to their homes. Free of charge SOS line was opened in the City Red Cross of Skopje on which citizens were able to obtain information how to protect their health in times of high temperatures. Around 40 Red Cross volunteers provided answers on this telephone line in the course of the summer period.
– Club 25 – Club for young blood donors – Blood motivators

Blood donation is one of the unselfish gestures that human can provide. Project Club 25 has objective to raise awareness about the importance of blood and blood elements and thus to increase the number of young people who will actively engage in motivating new people – blood donors. The club was formed in two towns in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia more precisely Skopje and Bitola, and now has 150 members aged 25, who also are blood motivators regarding blood donation among their peers, friends and regular blood donors.
– Pandemic influenza

Macedonian Red Cross in 2009 actively participated in preparing efficient response to the pandemic influenza A(H1N1). The activities were financially supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and were targeted for training of 32 doctors and 28 youth representatives, volunteers of Macedonian Red Cross branches, organizing active video campaign and radio spot in the electronic media, printing of posters and fliers with educational and preventive messages for the necessary steps that each individual must undertake to protect itself from the influenza, educational sessions for 70 representatives of vulnerable categories (homeless people, asylum seekers, foreigners), 500 pupils and students from primary and secondary schools and 200 citizens of RM. The education was aimed to contribute for promotion of appropriate behavioral attitude of the population in Macedonia in direction of better prevention and reduction of short-term and long-term consequences from the pandemic influenza. In cooperation with the Ministry of interior, 800 members of the police force were educated about preventive measures and
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