According to the Volunteering Policy of the International Federation, every National Society of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, should strive to be one of the leader organizations in the process of mobilization of volunteers and management of volunteers for helping the persons in need in their country.
Volunteering is provision of services on voluntary basis inspired solely by the freedom of will, not prompted in any manner by desire for material or financial gain, aimed to decrease the suffering of the vulnerable population, in compliance with the fundamental principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement.
Since the formation of the Movement of the Red Cross and the Red Creascent volunteers are the movement force for implementation of the activities apropriated for help and care of volnerable population.Within the strategic planning, our National society is placing accent of the volunteer development and his connection with the program development. In this way we are placing the responsibility of the National society for development of the volunteer’s structures and systems which are reflecting the everyday reality.
Management with volunteers is a process of planning, deciding and organization of volunteer activities for achievement the goals of the organization in efficient and effective way.
Regarding voluntary management promotion Macedonian National Society produced following documents:
- Volunteering strategy of the Macedonian Red Cross for the period 2008-2012
- Code of behavior of the volunteers in the Macedonian Red Cross
- Volunteering Policy – Implementation guide of the Macedonian Red Cross – handbook
- Voluntary service- voluntary management cycle – handbook
- Forms for evidence of the volunteers and the voluntary activity
- Software for evidence of the volunteers and the voluntary activity – information connecting of all Local branches
In the program for management with volunteers constantly it’s worked on the strengthening of the voluntary capacities, according to the wishes and abilities for work and voluntary activity. Tools and mechanisms for recruitment, retaining and development of volunteers are being implemented constantly. Forms for retaining and appropriate treatment of volunteers are being developed through unifying forms and working steps.

As a part of the program for volunteer development and promotion of activates, we are working of implementation of seminars for volunteers management and volunteers coordinators, managers for volunteers.
Macedonian Red Cross together through implementation of the activities with 34 Local Branches of Red Cross and one City brunch of Skopje, constantly is implementing tools for recruitment of volunteers and appropriate activation according to their interests and wishes. Also we are constantly working on trainings for motivation and appropriate admission for retaining volunteers. Trough the Implementation of voluntary activities Macedonian Red Cross contributes for wellbeing and promotion of civil society. That is the aim towards we are striving by implementing all activities for development of volunteerism, and voluntary integration in the organization.